To celebrate the occasion, The Cat and The Fiddle recommends a Halloween word problem:
A mother spider told her twins
Beneath a dusky sky,
“I’ll take you out to trick or treat,
You’ll dress as octopi!”
She basted silk from spinnerets
Each stitch was close and small
And wove two teeny purple suits-
how many legs in all?
Holidays are naturals for word problems, and Halloween is probably the richest source for subject matter.
DIY (Do It Yourself) Halloween Word Problems.
1. Read some Halloween picture books with lots of characters.
2. Brainstorm subjects (ghosts, mummies and all the usual suspects) and/or items in their setting (coffins, tombstones etc.) for the word problems.
3. For mathematical action, creatures can go to, or leave, parties/cemeteries/haunted houses (addition and subtraction). They can scare, haunt, fly over things, etc. Groups can be used for multiplication or division. If a mummy needs 12 yards of bandages, how many yards do four mummies need? If three vampires share a bag that has 18 candy eyeballs, how many eyes will they each get? I could go on and on. It’s just too much fun.
4. Draw the picture and decorate your house with it!
My Best Day (OK, Four Best Days)
4 days ago